Posts tagged naturopathic medicine
Spotlight: Phosphatidylserine

Constant stress wears out your adrenals and changes the output of your wake-up hormone (cortisol), which then leaves you feeling tired and out of whack...

How do we bring your cortisol output and adrenal function back to its normal rhythm?


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Begin From Within: Uneven Skin Tone

Let's be real. In LA, we're all in the pursuit of perfection, and lots of people come to me complaining about uneven skin tone... So, when you shift your understanding of health, begin from within, and identify root causes, naturopathic medicine can heal your skin from the inside-out

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Begin From Within: Pimples & Acne

Most conventional treatments address symptoms and are just band-aids to the situation. With pimples and acne, naturopathic medicine has less side effects and identifies and targets the root causes of acne.

Find out my top 5 herbal and nutritional essentials and my top 5 non-toxic topicals that can help with pimples.

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